Merriott Bowls Club


In 2024 Merriott Bowling Club celebrates its 90th year. We are situated on the Village Playing Field, behind the Village Hall with an adjacent free car park. The Parish Council owns the land for which we pay rent, but the Clubhouse belongs to the Club.

The Club is a member of Bowls England, Somerset Bowls Association and the Wessex Mixed Friendly League in which we play 22 League matches per year.  The last few years we have been very successful and have been league winners four times. We also play 26 friendly per year and from 2023 there is a new South Somerset Evening League for new members, to provide competitive opportunities for new members.

So, if you have never played before, we can help you take the first steps.


We have a selection of woods (bowls) and other equipment for you to try out. We strongly recommend that you use our woods to get used to size, weight and bias, before buying your own. The only thing you will need to start is a pair of flat soled shoes.

Once you decide to join you will be provided with a fob  (£10 returnable deposit required) that will enable you to access the changing rooms and toilet facilities. There you will find the key to the shed where all the equipment is kept. You will be able to come and practise at any time, but check first when the rink is being cut or any matches are being played.


The Club has a fully qualified coach to help you learn everything you need to know about bowling and develop your skills, Regular coaching is available at the Monday morning Umbrella (see below),and check the notice board for extra sessions and individual coaching opportunities.


We have an Umbrella Match at 10am on Monday mornings. This is a friendly Club match with teams being chosen by picking numbers from a bag. There is also a fun competition evening at 6pm on Thursdays and many club competitions for new players to enter. You will be encouraged to put your name down for league and friendly matches, because the best way to improve your match play skills is to play matches. Have a go, league and friendly matches are competitive and fun.


We have several social events during the year.  The money from these, help to keep our costs down and it is a good way to meet all the other members. They include overseas tours (Portugal 2023), Finals Day, barbeques, quiz nights, treasure hunts, indoor bowls weekends in December and many more, Donations of raffle prizes are always welcome for all these events.


Our annual subscriptions are £70 per year (2023) with a 50% discount for newcomers. We also have social members £10. The subscriptions are due in April when we have a Social Evening to start the season. At this time, you will also receive your copy of the Fixtures List.

At each match we pay £3 match fee. There is usually a raffle of £1 and when playing at home we buy our opposite number on the competitor’s team, a drink. So a home match costs approx. £7.50